import sys
import csv
obj = []
name = input("What channel is your kid watching?")
for row in csv.DictReader(open("All_channel_Sentiment_OG.csv")):
pp = int(row["Positive_Percentage"])
channel = row["Channel"]
if channel == name:
if pp < 20:
print("If your child is watching "+ name + ", then your child is beeing influenced by a Youtuber who's ecosystem is more than 80% negative. Talk to your child immediately!")
elif 39 > pp > 19:
print("If your child is watching "+ name + ", then your child is being exposed to enviorment that has on average 60% - 80% negativity present. Your child is at risk of being influenced by the wrong crowd.")
elif 59 > pp > 39:
print("If your child is watching "+ name + ", then they are exposed to an average of of 40% - 60% of negativity. This interval is an average amount of negativity/positivity. Your child is exposed to a healthy amount of sentiment.")
elif 79 > pp > 59:
print("If your child is watching "+ name + ", then they are exposed to very little amount of negativity. Good work mom and dad!")
elif pp > 79:
print("You've done an amazing job parenting your child"+ name +" is an amazing Youtuber and we have reason to believe that your child enjoys very positive videos.")